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Let your dreams
take flight

Winger is absolutely committed to providing the highest quality flight training in a supportive environment.
Our new courses will start on February 17, 2020

We stand for excellence

At this academy, the instructors are 100% committed to providing the highest quality flight training. We guarantee a supportive and friendly environment with a motivating professional team.

The staff members are supported by a diverse fleet of impeccably maintained aircraft.

Hello and welcome to Winger flight academy. Our academy is absolutely committed to providing the highest quality flight training in a supportive environment. Join us!

100% newest fleet available

We possess the newest fleet that allows you to be trained and then work in the best environment.

New professional simulators

Advanced training makes us going on the leading edge owing to the State-of-the-art equipment.

12,000+ pilots accredited

This fact proves that you'll be at the academy that supplies the world's airlines with the best pilots.

Fully accredited and secure

As a fully accredited flight academy, we have built our name an reputation for over 25 years.

Our pricing programs


Commercial pilot license

Starting April 6, 2020 - 3 months
This license permits the holder to act as a pilot of an aircraft and be paid for his/her work.

Recreational pilots licence

Starting January 17, 2021 - 4 months
It authorizes fly light, single-engine aircraft as the pilot in command, without supervision.

Flight instructor rating

Starting December 19, 2020 - 5 months
A Class 4 Instructor Rating allows pilots to conduct flight training to issue license permits.

Instrument pilot licence

Starting November 4, 2020 - 5 months
In case if you want to increase the productivity of your personal or business flying.

Contact us and
become our student


Working hours:Monday — Friday: 8.00am - 9.00pm

Medisson Airport

2105 S Medisson avePembroke Pines, FL 28260
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Contactez nous

01 30 45 00 95

Aérodrome de Saint Cyr L'Ecole

Hangar 4378210 Saint-Cyr-l'Ecole

Email du club

L’aéroclub de Versailles est une association loi 1901 immatriculée auprès de la Préfecture de Versailles sous le numéro 485.

Notre club est affilié à la FFA ( Fédération Francaise Aéronautique ) sous le numéro 08-078-04084.

L’aéroclub de Versailles est agréé DGAC ( Direction Générale de l’Aviation civile ) en date du 19 mai 1953. Agrément Jeunesse et Sports : 78S310.

Organisme de formation agréé : FR.DTO.0460. SIRET : 448 077 586 00015